Progressive Validation

Roger Costello

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Progressive Validation

Schematron Schema

Schematron Schema

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <sch:schema xmlns:sch="">
  3. <sch:phase id="..."> ... </sch:phase>
  4. <sch:phase id="..."> ... </sch:phase>
  5. <sch:phase id="..."> ... </sch:phase>
  6. ...
  7. <sch:pattern name="..." id="..."> ... </sch:pattern>
  8. <sch:pattern name="..." id="..."> ... </sch:pattern>
  9. <sch:pattern name="..." id="..."> ... </sch:pattern>
  10. ...
  11. <sch:diagnostics>...</sch:diagnostics>
  12. </sch:schema>

Phase Element

  1. <sch:phase id="...">
  2. <sch:active pattern="..." />
  3. <sch:active pattern="..." />
  4. <sch:active pattern="..." />
  5. ...
  6. </sch:phase>

Pattern Element Revisited


Example (cont.)

  1. <sch:phase id="classificationValidation">
  2. <sch:active pattern="SCP" />
  3. </sch:phase>
  4. <sch:phase id="reservedWordValidation">
  5. <sch:active pattern="RWF" />
  6. </sch:phase>
  7. <sch:pattern name="Security Classification Policy" id="SCP">...</sch:pattern>
  8. <sch:pattern name="Reserved Word Filter" id="RWF">...</sch:pattern>

Phased Validation using Oxygen XML

Phased Validation using Oxygen XML

When the leftmost red check mark is selected, a dialog box will open, displaying the different phases that are available, and #All for activating all patterns.

Phased Validation using Topologi

Phased Validation using Topologi

When the run button is selected, a dialog box will open, displaying the different phases that are available, and #All for activating all patterns.

Lab 6
